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- WordPress Challenge #3 - Login Page
WordPress Challenge #3 - Login Page
Welcome to the WordPress Challenge #3.
In this challenge, we will focus on enhancing the login experience.
See these challenges as exercises.
Hopefully, we’ll get subscribers who’ll send back their solutions and thus, if anyone is stuck, they’ll be able to learn from the provided solutions.
If none are sent, I’ll provide my own solutions to such in the upcoming month.
You’ll get points for solutions.
To check the status of points, you can check the public leaderboard: https://www.wpchallenges.com/leaderboard/
Junior Challenge: Customize the default login form
Points: 1
Customize the default login form that you get with WordPress with more fields and a different style.
Create a plugin for the customization,
Use hooks to enqueue styles conditionally on the login page
Use the hooks to add a new field: Reverse username
Before logging the user, check if the reverse username field is entered and check if it’s correctly entered
If not, display a message that such field is not correct
Starting Tips:
Codex: https://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Login_Form
wp-login.php to check available hooks on the login form. Starts here: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/6.5/src/wp-login.php#L1274
Medior Challenge: Create a Custom Login Page
Points: 2
Create a custom login template
Plugin to have the template file
Create a settings field under WordPress Settings > Reading or Permalinks submenu. A dropdown of all current pages. Store the page ID.
Use the hook template_include to show your template file on that selected page
Create your own validation functions for errors and display errors under each field
Use WordPress core functions for logging the user
Starting Tips:
Hook: template_include - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/template_include/
Custom Login page tips from Codex: https://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Login_Form
Adding custom fields on Settings pages: https://mehdinazari.com/add-settings-field-wordpress/
Senior Challenge: Google Login
Points: 3
Use hooks from the previous 2 tasks, custom and/or the default login page.
Add a “Login with Google” button
Login the user with the email from Google if it exists
Create a new user with the Google account info if it doesn’t exist & log it
Once logged-in, if the ‘redirect’ parameter exists in the posted fields, redirect the user there
Starting Tips:
Check the plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/login-with-google/ for code help
How to send the code?
You can create one repo for this (& all future challenges) and have each folder contain a custom plugin for each challenge. Or create separate repos for each.
Please make the subject start with “WordPress Challenge: #{challenge number}”
Happy Coding!